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Window to the Soul

Monday, May 30, 2011

First Three Days

Feels like we've been out on the road for weeks, but nay it has only been three days and about 290 miles.  We're slowly immersing ourselves in the rigmarole of using public restrooms, gas stations, and the kindness of strangers to survive.  First day was little bit of a shell shock but we pushed through to get Chauncey her first century and meet up with our first host Erin Myers and her family.  Second day was some hills, some soreness, and a less organized plan. While chilling outside of a Chipotle and looking through our contacts list for a place to stay, a man named Adam came to our rescue.  As a fellow bike touring fiend he came to our rescue to return the favor of what many friendly strangers have done for him. Third day was our most eventful and most difficult so far. We stopped for ice cream at an orchard, saw a baby black bear that ran in terror from us, saw where the cookie lady lives, and we got through one of the hardest parts of our trip.  The mountains were tough but we were tougher.  The fast flight down Mt. Vesuvius was almost worth it. Then we passed through hell. After getting down the mountains, night fell and we had to put our lights on.  Miles upon miles of flying bugs splatted all over us.  Personally, this was my least favorite part of the trip, maybe because I was head of the pace line for that entire part.  Today we rest momentarily and look forward to the next couple thousand miles.
Stay adventurous my friends.

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