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Window to the Soul

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Incentive for Adventure

Okay, we laid down some goals for our fund-raising (as shown on the right) but those are just for starters. As the beginning of our journey nears, we'll be spouting out some more challenges and general goals to complete along the way.  These challenges are a means for us to break from our shells and give us a form of obligation to have a more eccentric experience.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Challenge Accepted!

Hello and welcome to le Tour de Awesome.  As the name implies, we will be embarking on a bicycling tour full of awesomeness and adventure.  This summer we will be biking from the friendly and familiar eastern shore all the way to the mysterious unknown that is the west coast of the United States.  To make things even more interesting, we will be accepting challenges upon reaching incremental fund-raising goals.  What this means is that if you feel so inclined to donate moneys to our cause, we will do crazy/fun/weird/uncomfortably awesome things to compensate you for your love and support.  For different amounts of money raised, we will accept challenges of varying difficulty to perform whilst hitting the dusty roads of this great country.  Be reassured that funds raised will go towards supporting our travel expenses and hardcore drug addictions.  Full details on challenges and donation information to follow, thanks for visiting.

